Our Amazing Team

We are a small, local business with a small, local team! Read below to get to know everyone who's currently working at Hidden Gems.

  • Jacklyn // Gem's pawrent

    Born in Hong Kong, raised in Canada, I always knew I wanted a career working with animals. I grew up being the girl obsessed with dogs (especially my dog, Gem 😎) and if you ask any of my friends to describe me, I'm pretty sure "animal lover" would be one of the first things listed. A close second after that would probably be "eco-warrior" 😆 I organize beach and trail clean-ups, collect plastic to bring to recycling centres, join community compost programs etc in hopes of making a positive impact on the environment...


    So as you can see, opening Hidden Gems was a natural next step for me as I can combine my passion for both animals and the environment together! Through Hidden Gems, I hope I can spread love and provide something good for both pets in HK and environmentally conscious pawrents 🐾🧡

  • James // Wally's pawrent

    If you asked me ten years ago where I see myself now, working with pets would not have crossed my mind. I was trained and working as a chef after graduating from the Cordon Bleu so I would've thought that would be my life-long career. It wasn't until few years ago when my fiance decided to explore making pet treats did I have the sudden spark to use my skills as a chef to help with this journey. 


    Now I manage and produce all the treats you can find here at Hidden Gems. I source the raw ingredients, clean them, slice and dice them, and finally process them in our dehydrator and freeze-dried machines. It is so satisfying and fulfilling to see how much your pets love our treats and their happy faces are my motivation to keep developing new treats for them!

  • Valerie

    Valerie is the ultimate dog-mom of our team with experience in raising SIX poodles! From the birth of the four puppies a few years ago to saying goodbye to the puppies' dad recently, she was there with her dogs every step of the way. Valerie has a huge soft spot for senior doggos and those with disabilities, if you have any questions about dog health and nutrition, Valerie is always happy to share her thoughts and advice!

  • Lilac

    After adopting Rice Ball, Lilac is now a second-time dog mom! We joke that Lilac is a helicopter mom from how much she fusses over Rice Ball but we know this is because she truly cares for and loves her puppy with all her heart 🧡 Lilac will always have your pet's best interest in mind and will try her best to recommend products that are truly suitable for your furbabies!


    🐶 IG: @riceball.daily

  • Phoenix

    Dog-mom of two rescues, Phoenix is a responsible and caring pawrent who stepped up to the challenge when faced with behavioural challenges in her dogs. Giving up was never an option and her hard work with research and trainers definitely paid off! Phoenix genuinely loves pets of all kinds and is always eager to get to know your pet better.


    🐶 IG: eilis_sheru